To endure or to Let go: The battle between your stronghold and conviction

The Calligraphy Enthusiast ❤


“Kung alam mong para sayo yun, ipaglalaban mo yun. “

(If you believe that it is for you, you will fight for it)

You might thought of it as a “Hugot line” used by someone defending his love, well it could but this love i am talking about is not just typical love life. I will never forget this quote in one of our Morning Prayer, as the preacher utter that quote every word of it was like blade that strikes me directly at the heart. It was like a fire that awakens my whole being (“But if I say, “I will not mention Him or speak any more in His Name,” His word is like a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed , I cannot. -Jeremiah 20:9) At that time i was still a College student, a typical college…

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Why #MerryChristmasStarbucks is Everything Wrong with American Christianity


#MerryChristmasStarbucks Blog Photo

A few days ago, former pastor Joshua Feuerstein posted a video announcing a campaign against Starbucks due to their switch from festive holiday cups in previous years to a new plain red look for the 2015 holiday season. In the video, Feuerstein claims that Starbucks wanted to “take Christ and Christmas off of their brand new cups” because, according to the caption on his video, “they hate Jesus.”

Feuerstein goes on to explain that when he visited a Starbucks store, he told the employee making his drink that his name was “Merry Christmas” so that his cup would read “Merry Christmas.” He later says “Guess what, Starbucks? Just to offend you, I made sure to wear my Jesus Christ shirt into your store, and, since you hate the 2nd Amendment, I even carried my gun!” Three days after the initial post of the video, it has over 130,000 likes and 380,000 shares. Feuerstein…

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